Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Day care pupils

MAITUM, Sarangani (October 21, 2010) - More or less 40 children go to the makeshift daycare center of sitio Angko in barangay Bati-an daily. Bati-an (population: 949) is the province’s poorest village with 99.8% of its households having income below the poverty threshold and below the food threshold. 62.1% of its households have no access to potable water. In basic education, 94.3% of Bati-an’s children 13-16 years old are not attending high school; 44.3 of children 6-12 years old are not attending elementary school; and 48.2% aged 6-16 years old are not attending school. (Beth Ramos-Palma Gil/MAITUM INFORMATION OFFICE)

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